Puppy Application

To make sure our puppies go to the best possible homes, we ask that you fill out as many of the fields below as possible.

We want to make sure our puppies live in great places. Please help us out by providing some details about yourself as well as where your new puppy would grow up.
This question is for testing whether or not you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions.

When You'll Hear from Us

We strive to respond as quickly as possible -- usually within a couple hours.

However, if you'd prefer to speak to us right away, you may call Kathleen at (978) 273-0893.


We're located on our own family-friendly farm in Sandown NH.

Breeder Info

Additional ways to contact us:

If you have any questions or would like to discuss anything in general, feel free to use our regular Contact Us form


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