We give all of our Irish Jacks their first Parvo/Distemper vaccine at seven weeks of age. They will need their second vaccination at 10-11 weeks of age and then their third and final set at 13-14 weeks.If we have the pup longer than 10 weeks we will give them their necessary vaccines to keep them on the correct vaccination schedule.
We feed and highly recommend Life's Abundance Health Food for pets. All of our dogs have been thriving on this super premium food for about eight years. For more information on Life's Abundance please contact Kathleen at Kathleen@ImportedJacks.com.
We highly suggest spaying and neutering your Irish Jack Russell puppy at 6 months of age. This greatly reduces the risk of certain health issues and keeps your pup a happy and healthly pet.
We do sell puppies to approved homes for breeding. Please email us if you are interested in a puppy, potentially for breeding.
No, Irish Jacks make wonderful apartment dogs as well as farm dogs. They are an extremely versatile breed and can thrive in both city and country living. They do need exercise and attention but do not need large amounts of space to be happy or well-adjusted.
All individual dogs are different but Irish Jack Russells are bred to make excellent family companions and do not require too much exercise. They love swimming, hiking, beach runs, and any other activity they can do with their owners. Although they love to be kept busy they are generally content with a nice daily walk or romp in your yard. They do, however, require lots of love and affection!